Monday, February 3, 2020

The Many Uses of Type

In our reading for this week, “Type: what you don’t know can hurt you”, we learned that one's choice of font style and arrangement can heavily impact their ability to communicate with their audience. Whether it be through billboard advertisements, newspaper spreads, or retail websites, we find that people must use a variety of font styles and techniques to keep their viewers attention and get their point(s) across successfully.

For your prompt, we are asking you to provide an example that properly uses, or poorly uses, one or more of the following fonts and/or techniques in their work, and explain why you chose it:

·        Old Style/Serif
·        Sans Serif
·        Decorative/Script
·        Slab Serif
·        Modern
·        Leading (space between lines)
·        Tracking (space between characters across a string of characters)
·        Kerning (space between individual glyphs)

Also, feel free to visit the following links for definitions and examples of some important terms that were used, but not defined in the reading:

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